I don’t think I’ll be called papa or daddy again. This whole trip, all that I’ve heard from my daughter, is Donny, Donald, or Uncle Donny. 🤦🏼‍♂️ She’s following what all of her cousins are calling me. 😂

Micro.blog Photo Challenge day 14: Horizon.

Playing around with black and white.

Bird standing on the beach with the ocean waves breaking in the background.

I forget to include a link to the Micro.blog photo challenges page, to give context of what the photo is for. I decided to throw together a quick Drafts action to insert a link to the challenge. It will also prompt for the day number and the daily prompt and format it nicely for the post.

The formatted text will look like this. Micro.blog Photo Challenge day 14: Horizon.

My connection to the world.

iPad attached to the Magic Keyboard, sitting in a table.

Fun with Draft Actions

I’m having some fun working on this Drafts action for Micro.blog. I’m horrible with JavaScript, but I’m fumbling my way through it and feel like it’s coming along nicely.

I’ve still got some ideas for it, but wanted share a little bit, to give myself a push, so that I don’t keep it hidden forever.

I wanted to have one spot to post to my primary or test blog, so I added a prompt that will let you choose which blog that you want to post to.

Screenshot of a Drafts action prompt with blog selection.

The current options will let you choose if you want to publish directly or post a draft. You will also be able to select categories.

Screenshot of a Drafts action prompt with a selection for post status and category selection.

I still have a few more ideas:

  • Allowing editing of posted posts
  • Cross posting selection

Looking forward to getting these first features tested and wrapped up so that I can share it in the Drafts directory.

I don’t have any regular routines or rituals. The closest would be sitting down each evening this week and working on a new Drafts action.

iPad with Magic Keyboard and the Drafts app open on a table with fireplace and piano in the background.

I almost put deodorant on my toothbrush instead of toothpaste. How’s your day going?

Good food together with family. ☺️

Family sitting together at a Mexican restaurant for dinner.

Finished reading: The Martian: A Novel by Andy Weir 📚

Admittedly, I saw the movie before I read the book. However, I did enjoy both.

That moment when everything falls in place and I have a working Drafts action and I’m using it to post this. 😃

Figured out my issue that I was having. Apparently I shouldn’t be trusted with JavaScript. I was adding the query parameter to the request object incorrectly. 🤦🏼‍♂️

I’m working on a Drafts action for Micro.blog, but having some issues with the category selection. I added a prompt to select the blog to post to, however, when requesting the categories it continues to show the categories based on my main blog. I tried setting the mp-destination to the selected blog on the Micropub request for the categories, but that doesn’t seem to work. Or I’m setting that request up wrong. Does anyone have any suggestions to try out?

Taking a walk by Vecna’s house. What could go wrong? 😬

Little girl walking down the side walk with house from Stranger Things on the right.

I hate pollen. Forgot to take allergy medicine this morning too. 🤦🏼‍♂️

I love that she is expressing interest in learning to play. She keeps asking to take lessons.

Five year old daughter sitting at the piano and playing.

I’ve been wanting to read more, but keep putting it off. We finally went and got new library cards and set up the Libby app to check out books with. Really excited to get back in to reading more.

These two make my heart whole. ❤️

Me, my daughter, and wife standing together on a cruise ship with the ocean and the island of Kaua’i in the background.

I love the engineering in clocks.

Internal gears of a clock.

I forgot to post my photo for yesterday.

The new tile in my moms house.

Tile flooring.

After a long day of zipping around, it’s time for some quiet time with cousins.

Three kids sitting in the floor and watching a movie.

It’s been a long time since I’ve used personal photos as wallpaper on my devices. However, I’ve been using the photo shuffle wallpaper on my iPhone and I’ve really enjoyed it. It feels a bit like a digital version of carrying photos in my wallet. Pick up my phone and there’s a photo of my daughter or wife. Thinking of it like this made me want to keep this around. Shannon and I now show off which photo is our wallpaper, each hour, when it changes. It’s a fun trip, together, down memory lane.