Black and white photo of a stone stair well, going up, at a train station.

📷 Photo Challenge day 23: chance.

What are the chances that Ken makes it?

Ken doll standing in front of camper with a Mosasaur dinosaur laying on top of the camper behind him.

Had a parenting first the other day.

My daughter picked some gum off of the bench, at the train stop, and started playing with it. At least she didn’t put it in her mouth. 🤢

Gif of Will Ferrel in the movie Elf picking gum off of a subway entrance railing.

📷 Photo Challenge day 22: insect.

I was trying to get a photo of this blue butterfly for several minutes. When I gave up, he photo bombed me while taking a picture of another butterfly.

Butterfly sitting on a leaf, in the background, with another butterfly flying toward the camera in the foreground.

Reflection of sign post next to a brick wall in a puddle on the sidewalk.

📷 Photo Challenge day 21: tiny.

Lego figure of Luke Skywalker and R2-D2 standing in front of a Lego X-Wing fighter.

📷 Photo Challenge day 20: houseplant.

This is the only houseplant that I can keep alive.

Small cactus plant sitting in front of a covered window.

📷 Photo Challenge day 19: Analog.

I love playing board games with my family.

Picture of the game operation, with a kids hand picking one of the pieces.

📷 Photo Challenge day 18: Portico.

Missed posting yesterday’s challenge.

Photo taken from front porch of a house with yard and trees in the background.

Twelve hours of sleep felt nice, but not enough. Let the jet lag adjustments begin. We adjusted pretty quick last time. Hoping for the same again, if we can stick to our schedules.

After 32 hours of traveling, we are finally home. 🥱

Beautiful sunrise over London this morning.

Sunrise over the clouds, outside of the airplane window.

Sunrise over the clouds, outside of the airplane window.

Lovely evening for a flight.

Raindrops on window with plane taxiing in the background.

📷 Photo Challenge day 17: Early.

It’s late in the day, but it’s early in our trip. About 28 hours before we are home.

Sign, hanging from ceiling, for Charlotte International Douglas Airport, with picture of race cars in the middle and gate signs underneath.

I would love to see Books included in the Apple One subscription. It doesn’t have to be immediate access to every book. It can be like a digital library, where we can check out a book for a few weeks and then return it. If too many people are reading it then there can be a queue for it. I would love this.

📷 Photo Challenge day 16: Road.

Roads? Where we’re going we don’t need roads.

Picture taken while riding in a car of the road out of the front windshield.

Been a while since I’ve fallen. Slipped on some water in the kitchen this morning. Somehow grabbed the corner of the counter, which helped a bit and I didn’t hit as hard as I would have. Mostly hit on my hip and shoulder. Will probably be sore the rest of the day.

Time for some Hibachi. 🤤

Hibachi chef starting fire on the grill.

Question about sharing Shortcuts for iOS and macOS. If I generate a sharing link and then I update the shortcut, are those changes automatically picked up or do I need to share a new link? Just curious since I noticed that the copy iCloud link always returns a different link and thought that this might break any previous links or if they would still receive updates. 🤔

📷 Photo Challenge day 15: Patience.

Learning something new and over coming fears takes patience and determination.

Tent post rope climbing structure with silhouetted girl sitting near the top.