Mommy mommy mommy mommy. Daddy daddy daddy daddy. I think these are the only two words that Emma knows this week. Doesn’t even ask for anything. I think she just likes calling us to make sure we are paying attention to her. 😂🤪

We are a bit late to the party, but we finally got around to watching The Greatest Showman a few weeks ago. The movie was good and I enjoyed it. But I’m loving the soundtrack. I have been playing it a good bit ever since.

We got an M1 MacBook Pro at work as a test device and I’m getting to tinker with it. So far I’m really enjoying it. Having a few issues working in Xcode with our project, due to some dependencies. Running it in Rosetta fixes some of it at least.

Our daughter has a small cowlick in the front of her hair and it kind of swirls. It makes it challenging for me to brush. I made a comment about this to Shannon and Emma, whose 3, chimes in and tells me that I might need to read the instructions. 😂

Düsseldorf city skyline

After a freezing winter, the past couple of weeks have been down to -13C, today was beautiful. The temperature got up to 17C and was like a heat wave. After being stuck inside for so long, we decided to venture out to take a walk and get some fresh air. We ventured down to the Alt Stadt area to walk along the Rhine and explore a bit.

We tried to be as careful as possible, but there were more people out than I had expected, given that most things are closed. I guess that everyone else had the same idea, after being cooped up for weeks and months during the cold and just wanted to get out and get some sun.

Gott / Jesus

Ergo tower

Celebrating my birthday now will forever be bittersweet. However, this year I guess that I am supposed to learn the meaning of life, the universe, and everything. So, there’s that. 😬

Toys playing church

Emma asked me to play with her and when I asked what she wanted to play, she said church. We then had to set up some of her toys as the congregation and Daddy Pig was the pastor. 😂

I love her creativity. 🥰

Watched church service on YouTube this morning. When it was over, Emma(3) says, “Yay, I like that show.” 😍

Day One Streak

I had planned to do more writing at the beginning of the year. I had thought that would be here on my blog. Instead, I revived my journaling and have been pleased that I have a pretty good streak going. This is the most consistent that I’ve been for a long time.

I do still want to write more on the blog, but I’m still pleased at this start.

It was a nice morning waking up to some snow. Building a snowman and making snowballs was so much fun. 🥰

I have been very slack on keeping up with my email. Letting my inbox get a bit out of control again. Taking a few minutes to sit down and triage and get it back in order is kind of refreshing.

Praying for a peaceful end to this.

I shouldn’t be surprised about what is happening in D.C. right now, but I really can’t believe that this is actually happening. This is like a coup attempt to try and steal power just because you don’t like the outcome of the vote.

I know that sidebars on iPad are not new, but I really like the updated sidebar behavior and design in iOS 14. The more that I see it used, it makes seeing a tab bar on the iPad look outdated.

Happy new year. 🎊🎈

Wir wünschen euch einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr. 🙂

Merry Christmas everyone.

Frohe Weihnachten

“For a child will be born for us, a son will be given to us, and the government will be on his shoulders. He will be named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.” ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭9:6‬ ‭CSB‬‬

I think that this year is officially the year of pajamas. Or at least for pajama pants or sweat pants. It’s safe to say that I’ve worn this for about 90% of the year. 😬

I can’t believe that this year is almost over. It has felt like a blur.

Such a fun surprise gift from work. @Lifeattrivago

I like to read up on coding topics, specifically iOS related. One thing I need to do more of is practicing those topics in some form to reinforce what I’m learning. #mbnov