❤️ #BLAW2022

Can’t believe that Emma is 5 today. Where does the time go? Also registered for school today as well. I feel like she’ll be wanting to drive and move out next week. 😳

Getting ready to head to bed and I made the mistake of opening my email, you know, b/c that shiny red dot was beckoning. The email was about a possible solution to an issue that I’ve been working on for a few weeks. Now I’m struggling between going to sleep and popping open the laptop to see if this solution works because I don’t want to wait until the morning. 🙄

Our 4 year old daughter woke up this morning with a slight runny nose and cough. She looked at me and said, “daddy, I have issues”. 😂

I groaned, while standing up, and stumbled as my foot had fallen asleep. My daughter, 4, proceeded to laugh and say “my daddy’s old.” 😏

Trying to get started after a four day weekend is always so much fun.

Looks like some photos are still updating, but overall, the domain update went pretty smooth. So smooth, that I was sure that I did something wrong.

I, finally, decided to setup email for my domain as well. Using the iCloud custom email domains for now, as I’m playing around with it and it works for me at the moment. If I need any more features out of it, then I’ll look into other services.

But for now, everything is up and running.

I finally pulled the switch and talked myself into getting a new domain name. Not that having .net is bad, but I have been a bit jealous of sites that use the country code as the domain extension. It kind of sounds a bit cooler. So will be switching everything to donnydavis.us. As long as I don’t completely muck up all of the DNS settings during the switch.

Happy New Year! 🎊🎉

Wir wünschen euch einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr. ☺️

I can’t believe how fast today has flown by. I think I need a vacation from our Christmas vacation. 😂

I hope that everyone had a merry Christmas. ☺️☃️🎄

Morning drive to the wildlife zoo at Rovaniemi. This place is so gorgeous. Love all the snow. 😍

It’s going to take some adjusting that sunrise is after 11:00. 😳

Driving on the road with a car in front of us. Snow covered trees and ground all around. Vibrant sunrise colors of yellows, orange, and pinks.

Had a one-day turn around to rest and repack. Now heading off for vacation trip part two. Heading to Finland to visit Rovaniemi and Helsinki. Excited to see Emma’s reaction when she finds out that we’re visiting Santa’s Village in Rovaniemi.

Made it back home after a fun weekend in Heidelberg. Now a day to rest before we are off to Finland.

I saw someone, walking through the airport this morning, wearing a Save Ferris T-shirt. That made my morning.

Had a little fun walking the Schlangenweg in Heidelberg, but it was a bit steeper than we expected. Emma said, “this is nicht a good idea.” Her expression says it all. 😂 We didn’t make it all the way up, but it was still fun and a gorgeous view.

Emma sitting on a stone path, the Schlangenweg in Heidelberg, and smiling. Emma, sitting on the Schlangenweg stone path, looking away from the camera. Emma, sitting on the Schlangenweg stone path, looking at the camera with an expression of seriously, so we have to walk up this mountain?

Heidelberg is such a beautiful city. I love the feel of it, tucked away in the mountains.

Had a nice evening stroll in Heidelberg tonight.

City square with fountain in the center surrounded by advent wreath and candles. Emma facing camera next to the river with Shannon and the Alte Brücke in the background. Riverfront view of Heidelberg with Schloss Heidelberg in the background.

I have totally let this week slip by. December 5 marked 5 years working at trivago and living in Germany. While I was a developer before, this is my first iOS job. It has been a fun ride so far.

One thing is very obvious. I am not equipped to properly carve a turkey. 😂

How do you have an early Black Friday sale? Isn’t that just a sale on a Monday or Tuesday? If that’s possible, can today be an early Saturday so that we are already on the weekend?