The weather this past week has been so nice, but I’ll admit that I’m kind of enjoying the rainy day today.

Went out for a walk after being cooped up all week. The weather is beautiful today. Birds are chirping and flowers are blooming. So much beauty to take in today.

I was excited and ready to binge some Disney+ today only to be upset that it wasn’t working. Then I realized that today is the 23rd and it’s not officially available until tomorrow. 🤦‍♂️🙄

As someone that grew up without HD video, it’s hard for me to consider the decision by Apple, Netflix, and YouTube to only provide standard definition video as bad news. If providing only standard definition video helps with potential bandwidth issues then it’s a good thing. Would you like to have some video or no video at all?

I’m really excited that Disney+ is finally coming to Germany tomorrow. We’re already signed up and preordered and ready to start watching. I’m curious how much nostalgia will hit me once I start going through some of the classics. 😃

I have worked remote before and have the opportunity to, occasionally, work from home at my current job. However, being forced to work from home is something entirely new. After one week I already feel the isolation seeing in. Even with my family here it’s a weird feeling.

I want to give a big thank you to @manton and the rest of the team for helping me the past couple of days to get my account configured. I managed to misconfigure something on the DNS side for my domain, but they helped me through it and everything is now running smoothly. 😃

Now that everything is properly configured on there’s no excuse to start posting more. It’s really nice to own my own domain again and control my content. 🙂

I’m a bit excited that I finally talked myself into setting up a site. I have been wanting to do this since January but keep putting it off. Since setting it up, I have been tying to think of something clever to have as my first post. However, I am not that clever so here are some lame words to fill the empty space for my first post. 😃

Day by Day

I sat down to write this on Father’s Day but obviously that didn’t happen. It felt like an appropriate time but I let myself become overwhelmed and afraid to put words down. Then July 2 came and went. That day is special to me as it marked 5 years since Shannon told me that we were having a baby. I sometimes feel that it’s not ok for me to talk about certain things, such as emotions, because I am a guy.

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Getting Started (Again)

What is it about a blank page that is so intimidating? That little blinking cursor so taunting? For as long as I can remember I have had this desire to write. I’ve never been good with words or grammar, but for some reason I have this urge to write them down and put my thoughts on paper, or digital canvas. However, whenever I think of writing, my stomach turns into knots and I feel some slight anxiety building up and I shy away from it.

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I'm Done

It’s hard to believe that this is it. Last week marked the end of my twelve week journey through The Iron Yard. I’ve spent the last three weeks heads down working on my final project and feel like I can finally come up for some air. I’m not very good at coming up with ideas for apps, so when it came time to do just that for our final projects I was worried.

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Agency Week

Well week 8 has come and gone and they lovingly referred to this week as agency week. The design class from the Austin campus shared some designs with us for a mobile app that they had worked on for us to bring it to life. My first thought when looking at the designs was that I could definitely knock out some of them but I wanted to pick one that would challenge what I had learned so far.

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Two For One

Since I didn’t get anything written down for weeks six and seven I decided to throw them together here. Both weeks had a strange feeling to me as it marked the halfway point through The Iron Yard program. It was surreal that it was already halfway and then when week seven rolled around I was wondering where week six went. It felt like a blur. We continued our deep dive into Swift with enums, structs, calculated properties, and optionals oh my.

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Switching Gears

Better late than never on getting a post in for week five. I can handle the intense learning schedule that we are on but for some reason putting my thoughts down on paper, or digital screen, is so much harder than coding. In our first four weeks we dove into Objective-C and got a good foundation for iOS development. Objective-C was completely different than the development language that I previously used but it was good to get some hands on time with it.

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Drinking From The Firehose

Here we are at the end of week four of our journey through The Iron Yard. I had intentions of writing about my journey thus far but writing intimidates me so I kept putting it off. Then our instructor mentioned this week that he wanted us to be writing about our experience and just like that my hopes of avoiding and putting off writing vanished in a brilliant flash of light.

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